Please check out our Facebook & YouTube page with our sermons listed
1. Prayer Meeting: 10:30 AM
2. Morning Service 11 AM
Please join us!
Pastor Mick
Craigieburn, VIC
Mon Sep 23–Wed Sep 25 AT 9 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
This Week
1. VBS meeting after the service today.
2. Wednesday 21st August - Prayer meeting at Kim's
3. Thursday 22nd August - Ladies Bible study at Eva's
4. Sunday 25th August - Brother John is preaching and will celebrate communion. AGM will be postponed.
Next Week
1. Wednesday 28th August - VBS prayer warrior Zoom meeting
2. Thursday 29th August - Men's Bible study at Vipil's
3. Sunday 1st September - Brother Mark Rogers of the Friends of Israel will be preaching.